What is Paraphrasing?
Presenting the ideas of others or information taken from elsewhere in your own words is called paraphrasing. Importance of paraphrasing can be understood from the fact that we start learning it from the very childhood. In schools teachers tell students not to print the words from books on the exam sheets exactly, for instance. Actually, paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of the topic. When asked for, students try to write the answers in their own words. This way teachers are able to catch student’s understanding of the topic.
In research also, we do paraphrasing to summarize the results and findings of others that may support or contradict one’s findings over an issue, or to prepare a base of one’s study. One cannot directly copy the exact sentences of others as it will lead to plagiarism. And so we do paraphrasing to escape from plagiarism.
In addition, paraphrasing tools are also helpful when you have to come up with fresh content frequently. For example, when we include same text in theses, in research article and in report, it becomes a headache to come up with a different content every time. In such a case, paraphrasing tools may prove helpful. Here are some of the best sites and tools you can hog on for good paraphrasing:
1. Quillbot

2. Prepostseo

3. SEO Tools Centre

4. Rewordify

5. Rephraser

6. Spinbot

7. GoParaphrase.com

8. Seowagon.com

8 Coderduck

10. Ref-n-write

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