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Our services are based on mutual trust and cooperation. You can mail us at to gain the benefit of our services. A decent amount of money is charged (in Rs./-) for every service.

First, we do check the grammar of your content with the software. Afterward, our experts review each and every change suggested by the software. A separate grammar analysis is then conducted by our experts to get the best results.

We remove load of references by editing references according to the journals.

We assist you in removing the plagiarism from your documents and provide a separate plagiarism check service also.

Our experience expert team suggest you the five best journals for the publication of the article based on the customer’s inputs.

Experts from our team check the sentence formation in your manuscript and also check if it conveys the right meaning. On the basis of expert analysis, we suggest a series of changes to the user.

We draw schematics for the research article. To avail of this service, customers either verbally tell us about their requirements or give us a rough sketch of their idea.

We convert your LaTeX files to word.


We provide consultation to our customers regarding anything and everything related to PhD.
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