Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore), an Institute of National Importance, is ranked among the top 16 engineering institutes in the country by National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) in the year 2022. IIT Indore has made its presence felt as an important center of innovation, learning, teaching, and research.
Special Recruitment Drive: IIT Indore invites applications from Indian Nationals and OCIs, who belong to SC/ST/OBC-NC/EWS/PwD category for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade I & II) in its various academic Departments and School.
Departments/Schools: The following Departments/Schools have vacancies for Assistant Professors:
- Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering
- Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Application Deadline: The last date for online application is April 21, 2023. The completed application with all attachments should be uploaded before 5:00 PM (IST) on April 21, 2023.
Vacancies: The total number of vacancies for Assistant Professors are 34. Out of these, 4 are for OBC-NC, 6 are for SC, 7 are for ST, 12 are for EWS, and 5 are for PwD.
Qualification and Experience Requirements: The minimum requirements for the position of Assistant Professor Grade I and II are as follows:
Assistant Professor Grade I:
- Educational Qualification: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.
- Experience: Minimum three years of industrial/ research/ teaching experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Grade II:
- Educational Qualification: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.
- The position of Assistant Professor Grade II will be on a contract basis.
- Age: Maximum 32 years
Pay Structure: The pay structure for various positions, as per 7th CPC, are as follows:
Position Pay Level Min. Basic Pay/ Month (₹) Total Emoluments including HRA* (₹) Assistant Professor Grade-I 12 1,01,500/- 1,68,276/- Assistant Professor Grade-II 10 70,900/- 1,20,540/-
*HRA would not be admissible if accommodation is provided within the campus.
Conclusion: IIT Indore is a preferred choice of one of the best students and researchers. The Institute offers a conducive environment and infrastructure for research, innovation and incubation. Further details regarding various Departments, Faculty, Postgraduate Programmes can be reviewed at the individual departmental websites and also at www.iiti.ac.in. The posts carry allowances such as D.A., H.R.A and Transport Allowance (TA) as per GOI rules, which at present correspond to those admissible to Central Government employees stationed at Indore. The benefits of LTC, Children Education Allowance, and contribution towards New Pension Scheme (NPS) shall be permissible as per GoI rules. Apply now and join IIT Indore in its journey towards excellence.
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