Having done post-graduation, a swarm of questions starts floating into the young minds- What after masters? Should I look for a job or continue my studies? Or may I pursue both? And if I pursue both, will it be justice to the work and study?
In the hunt for the answers, one starts looking for all the options. Family financials, culture, and other restrictions become obvious and start guiding our decisions. We strive for financial security, want world tours with the family, a good spouse, a happy family, and a peaceful life. But here, we stand on the verge of completing our masters! And ahead lies a handful of the options.
Widen your Horizon
Handful because our bounded knowledge limits our horizon. Fear of not reaching anywhere makes the destinations cloudy. The burden of expectations narrows our thinking. In such a state, it is hard to come up with a clear vision of life. But one needs to understand that this is the only time, the very high time. Widen your horizon and shook away all the fears. Don’t let the expectations of others limit you. Learn to grow in the bask of the sun and bloom in the rains. The world of blossoming flowers awaits you!
The first thing you need to do is broaden your knowledge. Talk to your seniors, professors, research on the internet. Also talk to people outside academia, people of different branches. Collect more and more information as possible. This will help you make a better and informed decision. One must remember that updating knowledge is a must. This process should not stop even after getting a desirous result. Once you have listed all the options, look at them with an open mind.
Think clearly and constructively. As the old saying goes, “Sooner the better”. Sooner you gear yourself in thinking mode and come up with proper planning, the easier it gets. But don’t make a rush!! Think wisely and carefully until you come at peace with yourself. Try not to restrain yourself due to family conditions. Have faith in how all it works.
When in dilemma
Here are the few steps if you are stuck in a dilemma
1. Make a list of all the options you have in your mind. Don’t hesitate to dream big.
2. Do short research on the items on your list.
3. Now, ask yourself! What do you want? How do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
4. Analyze your past 5 years. Try to figure out your interests and more importantly your disinterests. Your passion will surely guide you on the right path.
5. Keeping aside all prejudices in your mind, once in life, think about what type of career you want for yourself. Unless you love it, you can’t excel at it.
6. If somehow, you get stuck between two choices, keep both of them open, until comes a time of real decision and prepare yourself slowly towards them. The almighty will show you the path!!
Remember that The right choice is what you choose. Just be on it and work with whole your heart and hard work and you will surely crack it!!
One response
Nicely explained.